New fling: Workspace One UEM Workload Migration Tool


The Workspace One UEM Workload Migration Tool allows a seamless migration of Applications and Device configurations between different Workspace One UEM environments. With the push of a button, workloads move from UAT to Production, instead of having to manually enter the information or upload files manually. Therefore, decreasing the time to move data between Dev/UAT environments to Production.


  • Windows 10 PC
  • 2 Workspace One UEM environments
  • Admin API credentials for the two environments
  • Admin API permissions in the two environments

Network connectivity between the two environments


Installation and Setup

  1. Download the Migration Tool from the Flings Portal
  2. Run the installer by double clicking the downloaded exe
  3. The installer can be run on any computer where the tool will be leveraged
  4. Configure the Source and Destination environments to make API calls. For both environments or Organization Groups, perform the following steps.
    1. Create an Admin account with API access in the Workspace One UEM Console
    2. Copy an Admin API key from the Workspace One UEM Console
      • Found at Groups & Settings > All Settings > System > Advanced > API > REST API
  5. Launch the Migration Tool and configure the Source and Destination environments by clicking the Add button for each environment.
    1. Enter the tenant url. E.g
    2. Enter the API Username. E.g. restapiuser
    3. Enter the API Password
    4. Paste the Rest API key.
    5. Enter the Organization group. E.g. UAT

Application Migration Instructions

  1. Click the Applications Tab
  2. Click on the Migrate App button for the targeted application
  3. Upload the binary for the application by selecting “Choose File”
  4. Once the app is available to the tool, select migrate to move the app to the destination environment.

Profile Migration Instructions

  • Profiles can be migrated individually or in bulk

Bulk migration instructions:

  1. Navigate to the profiles tab of the tool.
  2. Click on the Profiles that will be migrated.
    • This queues profiles for migration.
  3. Click Bulk Migrate
    • Profiles will now be migrated to the destination environment
    • If they already exist in the destination environment, then they will not be migrated

Single Profile Migration Instructions:

  1. From the Profile listview, click Details for the targeted profile
  2. A message will display if this profile can be migrated and if it can a button will appear.
  3. Click Migrate to migrate the profile.